Sign up specialized services vendors on the tracking system
Creating the digital space for vendor to upload their information
Follow up on supplier's accomplishment on the documentation
Contact suppliers to request the missing documents
Provide information for Social Security opinion and IRS requirements
Guide vendors on how to submit their information into the system
Ensure Ingredion holds vendor's information required by law
Review on the documentation provided by the company
Detect vendor's that are not complying their obligation on providing information and communicate this to the controllership and procurement team
Detect vendor's providing services without a signed contract and communicate this to controllership, procurement and legal teams
Your profile needs these qualifications:
Be an active accounting student. (have at least 1 year remaining in your degree).
Conversational English (preferred)
Ingredion Total Rewards and Benefits
Monthly scholarship of 10,500 pesos
Superior benefits
The opportunity to join the company as a full time employee once you finish your internship.
Recuerda que ningún reclutador puede pedirte dinero a cambio de una entrevista o un puesto. Asimismo, evita realizar pagos o compartir información financiera con las empresas.